
For the LGTB+ month of action organized by FARE network and Football V Homophobia , we interviewed different role model for LGTB+ acceptance in football.

  • Jesús Tomillero: Jesús was the first referee to declare he was gay. After making it public, he had to face insults and death treats on football fields and social media, which lead him to quit football. But he did not give up and founded his association Roja Directa LGTBI that fights daily to defend the rights of the LGTB+ community.
  • Karin Blakenstein: Karin Blankenstein, is the founder and CEO of John Blankenstein Foundation, which is a Dutch foundation that fights for creating a safer and more inclusive sports environment for LGBTQ+ athletes, both elite and grassroots
  • Max Bergander: Max Bergander played football on a high level in Sweden and quitted playing because he didn’t support the culture around it. Currently, he is responsible for the Core Values at AIK Fotboll, trying to break down stereotypes and educating people in values and inclusion.
  • Katie Glossop: Katie Glossop is the Participation & Inclusion Manager at Sheffield United Community Foundation. Sheffield United Community Foundation works in four key areas, Education & Training, Health & Well-being, NCS, and Participation and Inclusion.

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