
Together with our partners, we have developed the #DiversityWins educational programme. The educational programme consists of workbooks and teacher’s manuals. The workbooks and teacher’s manuals are directed at addressing racism and other forms of discrimination in society. The workbook consists of six chapters that correspond with six lessons. The different chapters address the definition of racism, differences and similarities between us, prejudice, religion, LGBTQ+, and racism and discrimination in sport. The workbook and teacher’s manuals include fun and educative exercises that provide children with a better understanding of racism and other forms of discrimination.

By the end of the project, over 10.000 children aged 7 to 15 will have benefited from the project in their school. The aim of the programs is to create dialogue on how we can tackle racism and all other forms of discrimination in society. Racism and other forms of discrimination are sometimes hard to recognize. This is mostly due to the fact that someone might not be aware that they are being racist, or that an incident is dismissed as a joke or misunderstanding. With the #DiversityWins programme, we learn kids to recognize racism, educate them about the longlasting effects of racism, and how they can react to a racist incident.

Furthermore, the workbooks discuss prejudice and other forms of discrimination as well. Discrimination based on religion, gender identity and sexual orientation is discussed as well. Children will be introduced to different religions that exist across the world, various gender identities and learn more sexual orientation. We feel it is best to educate people about all forms of discrimination at a young age in order to create inclusive environments at school, but also in local sports clubs.

Want to have a look at the workbooks and teacher’s manuals that our partner clubs use? They are available and free to download on our website!

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