Maddy Cusack from Sheffield United Community Foundation

Maddy Cusack works in marketing for the foundation and also plays for Sheffield United’s Women’s Team. The interview is part of our Women in Football campaign, which focuses on creating visibility for women working in the football industry.

  1. What do you like the most about working in football?

I love that no day is the same and I love the passion at everyone has working for Sheffield United. Football is a powerful tool in bringing people together and it is great to see that on a daily basis, both for the club but also in the community.

2. Was it difficult for you to make your way in football?

Luckily enough for me, it wasn’t too difficult. I play for the Club’s Women’s team too, so I heard about this role through the link between the Club and Community. I applied and secured the role and haven’t looked back!

3. Did you have any (female) role models when you were younger?

I always looked up to other successful sportswomen/businesswomen and they really inspired me to try and succeed both on and off the pitch.

4. Which advice would you give to a girl that would like to work in football?

I would say to follow your dream and that there are more and more women breaking into the industry and making a big success of themselves. There is a demand for more women to work in football and the women’s game is growing more and more each year. Exciting times ahead!

5. What was the biggest challenge that you face during your career?

One of the biggest challenges I have faced is juggling both my professional career and professional sporting career. It can be tough doing both. I try to do both to the best of my ability which doesn’t lend itself to having much down time. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

6. What are the biggest challenges that you have recognised when it comes to Women in football?

I think one of the biggest challenges is changing opinions. I think sometimes people are under the impression that because you are a woman, your football knowledge isn’t the best and sometimes it comes across that your opinion isn’t always being taken seriously.

I find that throwing an old footballing stat in or mentioning about a player that played for their favourite team a while ago always does the trick.

You can find the overview with all role models here.